
Buyer's Information

Useful tips and considerations a buyer should make before buying a home, property, or real estate.
  • No Major Purchases
  • Keep Your Money in One Place
  • Changing Jobs
  • Investment
  • Look at the Numbers
  • Tax Breaks
  • Stable Monthly Housing Costs
  • Forced Savings
  • Freedom from the Landlord
  • Increase in Space
  • When to Buy
  • Supply and Demand
  • Why You Should Not Wait
  • Buyer's Remorse
  • Resale Value
  • The Three Most Important Things
  • Local Community
  • Property Condition
  • Home Improvements
  • Market Conditions
  • Seller Motivation
  • Deciding What to Offer
  • The Offer and What Follows
  • What is Involved?
  • The Deposit
  • What If?
  • Transfer of Possession
  • The Closing Date


Year after year, the team has been recognized for their excellence in real estate through honors including #1 Producing Team in all of Sarasota and Manatee counties among all real estate agents, not just within Coldwell Banker.

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